Member-only story
Consistency is the Key!
Hard work is overrated and consistency is underrated. Working hard one day and not on the next is not sustainable for a long time
As a lower middle class loom factory owner and worker, my father always used to say:
“Wajahat, we are people who have only one option to choose, that’s hard work and rest is up to Allah for rewards and results”
Over time, as I matured more, I realized that hard work is overrated and consistency is underrated. Working hard one day and not on the next is not sustainable for a long time, and the real challenge is the consistency.
In an era of so called gen-z, where overnight success and shortcuts are glorified, hyped, and encouraged. I believe in the complete opposite philosophy of doing things slow and remaining consistent on them. Even if are tired today, or lazy or not feeling to work, try to do 0.001% just to not break the streak and remain consistent. That’s what separates you from the rest of the bunch, and that’s your Unique Selling Point (USP).
I have been writing since 2010 from 100 views a month to 100,000 views a day. I have been doing public speaking from putting my A-game to getting shortlisted for a talk attended by 5 people to getting invitations from international paid…